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Laravel and Yii are the two famously used PHP frameworks. Known for their developer friendliness, they bring a wide range of advantages to their developers. Both are open source frameworks. They both have many differences and at the same time a lot of commonalities. The main reason why Laravel is the best framework is due to its ease of use, less coding and expressive syntax. Yii framework is best known for its widgets and localization.

Model-view-controller architectural pattern of both the frameworks is very helpful. This pattern implements user-interfaces by dividing a software application into interconnected parts of three. The interactions between model, view and controller are well defined.

The best PHP framework

This would certainly be tougher to answer when one asks which is the best framework of the two. While a developer who is well-versed in Laravel would vote for it, the Yii developer would, likewise, rally behind it. Both have some of the best features to their name, and many features are common to both.

Laravel comes with a rich set of features. Using the resource controllers, CRUD process is very easier. The Eloquent ORM helps in interacting with the databases. Every model created in the MVC structure correlates to a table in the database.

In Yii framework, CRUD operations can be created with Gii, which is a web-based code generator. Generation of forms, modules, models is done quickly with the use of Gii. These operations make it easy for a Yii development company to build web applications easily.

Authentication of users in Laravel is very easier. Yii too has an inbuilt authentication which can also be customized. 'User application component' is an object that implements the Iwebuser interface.

In Laravel, with the help of seed classes, databases can be seeded with the data for testing. Seed classes can have any name.

In the Yii framework, cached data can be stored in various media. This is done with the use of different cache components that are offered. Yii has a wonderful caching system and supports DB based page, memcache, XCache, segment caching and APC. While in Laravel cache necessities include Database, Memcached and Redis.

In Yii, the dependency injection support includes constructor injection, setter and property injection and PHP callable injection. Dependencies in Laravel are injected at run-time. Closure callbacks or automatic resolution are two ways through which dependencies can be resolved.

To write SQL statements, the object-oriented way, the Yii query builder is very helpful. Properties and class methods are used to specify the SQL statement individual parts. Automatic quoting of tables, creating complex SQL statements and DB distraction are simplified using Query builder. Likewise, queries can be built programmatically in Laravel as well.

Features in Yii framework like role-based access control, scaffolding, input validation, functionality testing, automatic code generation, error handling and active record make it a best PHP framework. However, most of these features are also offered by Laravel, which is also a best and the most sought after framework amongst Laravel developer.


Depending on the Developer's requirements, any framework – be it Laravel or Yii – can serve as the best framework. When the ease of developing web applications is perfectly achieved, any of these two frameworks can be ranked the best.

blog post bannre for twitter bootstrap

Bootstrap is a well-known HTML, CSS, and JS framework for creating responsive mobile based projects on the web quickly. It is an open source tool for creating website applications and it makes front-end web development faster and easier. A responsive utilizes of the Bootstrap are built in breakpoints so that the framework does not fit for all requirements of the tasks. Most probably the Bootstrap is built for general layouts so you customize it easily, but when it comes to unique designs, then it will be more effective to use your own styles. To overcome this issue, the “Twitter Bootstrap” provides a unique concept and turnkey solutions to a bootstrap designer.

The “Twitter Bootstrap” provides an innovation path to build websites and apps easier. It’s time you took a look, if you are not using the “Twitter Bootstrap”. It is like a sweet shop for software developers with sufficient tools. Let us discuss some main reasons for usage of the “Twitter Bootstrap” in detail below.

Rapid Bootstrap development

Bootstrap provides custom-made pieces of code that can drive life into a website. A web developer can choose one of the best templates available for working out, writing code and make style changes, then find right solutions that suit into the structure they’re working on. It saves time consumptions for the web developers if you need to create a new site or app in weeks. The Bootstrap is perfect for inadequate budget design.


If you change a designing of websites from a laptop to an iPad and from iPad to a Mac you don’t need to worry over your work or altering mark-up with every new screen width size that you design for it. The Bootstrap adapts to the platform modification with high-speed and efficiency and also makes mobile-development much easier for you.

Bootstrap Customization

A unique thing of Bootstrap is that, you can make it your own website by choosing the super-easy features. You can sit down and look out a complete framework, then keep what you need and remove what you don’t need. The main point of the Bootstrap, it allows you represent in your own needs and customize your development project based on the requirements. You can modernize the framework to fit your needs if the customizer gives you full control over projects you wish to see.


On the other hand, Bootstrap is ever-changing with current updates coming out on a much more regular and constant basis. The Bootstrap team can fix a bug instantly as soon as the web developers find a problem.

Future Compatibility

Considering future of a designing method, the Bootstrap is equipped with many essential features. For occurrence HTML5 and CSS3 are two things that are going to be huge in the future.


After reading and analyzing all these major reasons, if you think that the “Twitter Bootstrap” will be helpful in working knowledge of web development concepts like HTML, CSS and Responsive design, then as a Bootstrap designer you can either download a compiled version of it or get the Bootstrap source that has original CSS and JavaScripts.

blog post for cakephp

We discussed some of the interesting factors of a CakePHP in previous release article Give some reasons to choose CakePHP as Framework that ensures sophisticated technologies in developing a website with bug-free and flexible coding functions. Further, it helps developer to create complex websites. Let us see some of the amazing features of the Framework.

Recently, most of the business focused on web development services to initiate outstanding presence or skilful online brand web presence in an online world. The CakePHP is one of the most leading and robust open source PHP Framework that helps user to create robust business websites that are customizable to meet and satisfy needs of exclusive requirements for your business quickly in a simple way.

Why you choose CakePHP?
It supports a Model View Controller (MVC) that offers good environment for the designer and developer to work on project altogether and also saves timing on project development. The CakePHP development services always maintain consistency in designing, creating, customizing and maintaining the business websites. A unique thing of this platform is to create world-class websites that achieves 100% acquiescence with the W3C web standards and helps to outsource projects to offshore development center, so that user can get cost-effective websites for your business.

Terrific features
This key feature offers cutting-edge technologies and turnkey solutions for users to create a dynamic business website based on web development services.  Let us discuss some features in briefly.

User-Friendly tool
This aspect helps a user to create a robust business website with smart business solutions for their clients in a simple way. It offers customizable programming technology for your business website and delivers a unique template editor that helps you to create design and develop webpage in a seamless way.

 Robust performance
 This feature provides powerful and flexible data validation process for your business website. It allows you to simplify complex structures in your website with advanced tools and supports you to build the websites with different international languages.

 Innovation ability
 It offers creative ideas, which is main core of creating the business websites and supports user based on facility of unit testing in the CakePHP web development services. It provides the requisite skills to ensure better functionality of your website applications and offers skillful and multi-talent resources with in-depth knowledge of a programming script.

  Reasonable approach
 This feature provides turn-key solutions to keep your business website as a competitive head in a cyber world or internet and links with your targeted audience and clients for years to satisfy business needs. It also provides an easiest way for you to create qualitative application development with a TAT at affordable prices.

  CRUD scaffolding
 This process provides three major activities in web applications and helps user to generate single line of code for your website application. The CRUD is term consists of Create, Read, Update and Delete, which can be customizable for creating specific requirements of the business website applications. 

Testing method
 It enables testing process that helps you to analyze the critical points or fixing bugs in your web applications of the business website so it makes your work simple when you create a massive application with some bugs in specific area section to identify or check easily.

Conveniently Expandable with Plug-ins and Components
It is one of the major factors in the web development services, since it allows you to create parts of reusable code that will be very useful for similar projects or more than one project.  It delivers exclusive functionality in components and plug-ins to easily modularize your projects in other sites also.

A unique approach of this platform is a creativity of state-of art-mind and creates different kinds of complex business website with optimized web solutions across various industry levels.

Blog post banner for Node.JS

Invented in 2009, Node.JS is a cross-platform runtime environment. It is open source and the applications are written in Javascript. The arrival of Node.JS was certainly a revolutionary of sorts with its ability to develop real-time web applications that are fast, scalable and data driven. A Node.JS developer can use event driven programming model to build hugely scalable servers.

It is a known fact that Node.JS has been built on the Google V8 JavaScript engine. The reasons being that, V8, is an open source, focused on the web, and is extremely fast. Having said that, this completely free platform is mostly utilized for developing single page applications, video streaming sites and other web apps.

Features of Node.JS

  • Running the applications within the Node.JS runtime on Windows, Linux and also MAC OS X is possible without the need for any changes.
  • Even though multiple threads are used for network and file events, the application can run single threaded.
  • Library code packages can be shared very easily. The Node Package Manager has a collection of about 50,000 packages. Hence, a solution is packaged for you by other developers.
  • Node.JS releases the data in chunks. Hence, applications do not buffer any data.
  • Node platform's global objects are obtainable in all modules. They are functions, strings and objects itself. Without including them in the application, they can be put to use directly.
  • Streams are objects that allow to read data from a source. Also, streams enable writing data to a destination. Readable, writeable, duplex and transform are the types of streams.
  • Emitting and binding of callbacks to events is possible with eventemitter, which is a class. Event based classes and applications can be built.
  • Around POSIX functions, file I/O is implemented employing simple wrappers. Every method has synchronous and asynchronous form.
  • Node.JS is bundled with Read Eval Print Loop or REPL. It reads and parses the user's input into the JavaScript data structure. And then stores in the memory. Eval is the short form of Evaluate. Obviously it evaluates the data structure. Print, prints the result. Loop, loops the command until such time the user presses ctrl+c two times.

Reasons for creating real-time applications using Node.JS

Before to working on Node.JS, fundamental understanding of concepts in JavaScript, HTML, CSS and AJAX can be an advantage. The major reasons for creating real-time applications with Node.JS is that this framework uses non-blocking I/O model and is event driven. Hence, becoming lightweight and efficient and thereby helping to create data-intensive real-time applications.

Likewise, there are multiple other reasons for creating cutting-edge real-time applications using Node.JS. Let us know a little more about them. Typical real-time applications like chat can be efficiently built using Node.JS. This platform is also highly suitable for games because event loop manages the multi-user requirement. The socket.IO plays a major role in the development of real-time applications. Socket.IO library offers real-time transport between the web browser and Node.JS server.

Conclusion: The coming days will see a significant rise in the use of Node.JS. The demand for it is already prevalent, owing to increased colloboration between people on the real-time basis, thereby increasing the need for real-time applications. Hence, with a basic knowledge of JavaScript, it would be ideal for any individual to try out Node.JS.

The success of Laravel can certainly be attributed to its features. A majority of PHP developers are using Laravel, and the number is continually growing, owing to a large section of developers switching over to this framework. Launched in 2011, Laravel has surged ahead of its competitors and tops the 2015 charts as the leading PHP framework. Before to the analysis of the features of this framework, let us know what is it all about Laravel and why is it so famous.

This framework is an open source web application framework. It follows the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern. Using this pattern, user interfaces can be implemented. The MVC design pattern has a model(responsible for maintaining data), view(responsible for generating a user interface), and controller(a link between model and view, and sends commands to both) as the components. Famously known as "fullstack" framework, Laravel can manage database, web serving, HTML generation, etc. Also, at a time when not many frameworks provided features like, support for user authentication and authorization, Laravel has done it.

Try asking any PHP developer who uses Laravel as a framework, as to why they love Laravel! You would get a flood of responses: all laravel developers tells like 'elegant', 'easy coding', time saving' and so on. The reasons for this being that, Laravel offers eloquent ORM, blade template engine, reverse routing, expressive syntax, modern toolkit, application logic, automatic pagination, etc.
Seven top features of Laravel that make it the most popular framework

View composers:
They are class methods or callbacks which are called when a view is rendered. View composer helps in organizing logic into one location.Using view composers, one can bind data to view without the need for code duplication and there is no necessity of manual attachment of data.

Blade template engine:
The Blade is a very simple and powerful template engine with all the tools. Template inheritance and sections drive the blade. ".blade.php" extension. This default and inbuilt template helps in saving more HTML code writing.

In Laravel, Artisan is the name given to command line interface. Artisan offers a wide range of commands in the course of application development. "List" command can be used to view all the artisan commands.

Routing system:
Routing in Laravel is very useful and helps to control HTTP mechanism of the application. Static page handling, passing parameters, group routing and 404 page management can be easily done in Laravel.

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A server side language like PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor) has, these days, grown much in demand among web developers. PHP is utilized to develop dynamic websites and real-time web applications, having an high-end user interface. Not only that, this scripting language, which is easy to learn, is also cost effective. There are numerous frameworks for PHP, which help the developers in many ways. Read on further to know why frameworks are used and which framework is best!

Frameworks for PHP

Why use a framework? Well, frameworks come with many advantages. They offer libraries and helpers, ease of change of databases, unit testing, form generation, easy upgradability and maintainability, security, active communities, need for a lesser code and performance tools that assist in caching, profiling, benchmarks, etc. Also, a framework for PHP, which follows the MVC pattern, offers extra functionality.

With frameworks having so much to offer to the developers, the doubt, they are now struck with is, which framework is best. Though there are many frameworks for PHP users, here in this article, let us compare Laravel and CakePHP, the two most popular frameworks.

The best framework: Laravel or CakePHP

Ask any PHP developer which is the best framework of these two, you would get diverse responses. Because the choice of the framework is subjective, depending on the requirements of the web developer. Going purely the ranking, it is the Laravel that is most sought after. However, CakePHP has its own exclusive set of features, making it a wonderful framework. That being said, let us make some study on both the frameworks.

  • CakePHP has an incredible built-in ORM, and building queries is very easier and simpler. Much like CakePHP, Laravel also offers eloquent ORM that makes database relations simple.
  • When compared to Laravel, CakePHP comes with robust plugins, using which, the code can be reused very easily, and the app folder can be kept clean. Also, class inheritances of CakePHP are highly understandable.
  • The foremost reason why Laravel is the best framework and has an edge over other frameworks is that it is very configurable, and has an inbuilt, fast and extendable blade template engine, making it easier for Laravel developers to add the features with no need of hacking the core.
  • Better peer support can be expected by developers who use CakePHP. By virtue of being in existence for a longer period than Laravel, obviously, it has a wide community, helping the peers to find answers and solutions to their queries. Developers can submit questions to the CakePHP website.
  • Amongst some major reasons to choose CakePHP as the framework, the primary one is it's flexible and has strong reverse routing. It helps developers to easily maintain links in an application. To elaborate on that, developers are entitled to adjust the URL structure at one place rather than searching for each calling of the change. This feature is really a wonderful time saver.
  • With respect to ease of use, Laravel is the winner. Its ease of use is attributed to its easy to use Artisan command-line- interface, easy readability and scope for developer's creativity.
  • Pagination in Laravel is very easier, as it generates clever "range" of links. In Laravel, some of the methods used to access pagination are – currentpage, lastpage, perpage, url and total.
  • While CakePHP is more famous with blog sites, Laravel, on the other hand, is ideal for bigger projects and also for projects that need continuous maintenance even after they are launched.

HTML5 is increasingly being used in the mobile web application development as it has many advantages to it, such as ease of maintenance, interoperability and sooner development time. This markup language, along with JavaScript and CSS, forms the core technology for every developer. HTML5 has APIs and a set of standards which are supported by all the major browsers. Also, several of the HTML5 APIs like localstorage are supported by many browsers.

In the past few years, with the emergence of tablets and smartphones, the number of people using websites on desktops has witnessed a reduction. Most people, these days, access websites on their mobile devices or straightaway download the app. Though apps have been gaining momentum, the use of mobile websites is here to stay, because, they are instantly available, are compatible across devices, are easily upgradable, easily shareable by users via a link and involve lesser cost and time in development, and so on.

It is exactly for all these reasons does the need for HTML5 in developing mobile websites comes into picture. Here, in this article, let us get a glimpse of methods through which mobile web application development using HTML5 can be improved.

Improve Mobile web app development using HTML5

An impeccable website, which can be used on mobile browsers, can be developed with ease by considering some of the aspects. Mainly, an Html5 developer has to bear in mind the screen size and resolution of the mobile device; the actual content the mobile users need, and if their HTML, CSS and JavaScript are valid and compact.

Keeping in mind the perspective of the users, the mobile site has to be designed, and important content has to be provided. Having said that, not all the content available on the desktop site needs to be part of the mobile website. It is more likely that users will quit the site, in case, they do not get their necessary information at the very first glance, for the simple reason that they do want to get into each page of your website.

More importantly, ensure that you test your site on various mobile devices. Check if the images are loading; if it is possible to scroll horizontally; if all the features are working or not, and if the file formats are being supported or not. A comprehensive checking is required to ensure that the mobile website developed using HTML5 is picture perfect.

Things to avoid while developing web pages for mobile devices

  • Due to the smaller size of the mobile screen, do not use tables, as much as possible, in mobile layouts so that the website users do not have to scroll it much.
  • Ensure that you do not add invisible graphics to add spaces. If in case the graphics are added, the download time may increase, and the pages may be displayed incorrectly.
  • Popup windows are not appreciated by many mobile website users. They are not only annoying, but also render the site unusable. So, ensure that you take the necessary measures.

An HTML5 developer has to take steps to ensure the websites' mobile browser compatibility. Also, every HTML5 development company should develop and improvise mobile web applications to make them user-friendly for individuals who access them.

CakePHP blog post banner

CakePHP development services are witnessing a huge demand among most of the developers to create the web application effectively and efficiently.
CakePHP is an open source development framework which uses structured, bug-free and flexible coding for developing websites for small, medium and large-scale companies rapidly. This framework consists of components and objects that are all highly organized. Cake library is also fully powered with extensive logical routines which assist the developers to use those pre-defined routines to write code with ease.

Moreover, themes and plugins are more powerful and robust in the CakePHP framework for providing advancement in creating the web application. While the developer working on the CakePHP framework, they can reuse the codes for many other projects just by recycling it.
This framework provides better performance with excellent bootstrap designs, routing and helper templates. The following factors are solid reasons for developers to select CakePHP as a framework.

MVC pattern
Model-View-Controller pattern of CakePHP assists the developers to create, modify, operate and maintain data effectively. Model class assists to insert, update, delete and reads data with ease. View supports to successfully render data in the website. And, controller highly helps in modifying the data in the database effortlessly.

It is highly useful for larger web applications and also provides a unique design with respect to the business logic. This architecture helps the developers to effortlessly perform the tedious and complex tasks in CakePHP framework.

CakePHP’s excellent ORM
Object Relational Mapping (ORM) is the one of the significant areas of the database, where most of the web applications lack in. Database management is the most difficult task for the developers while creating a web application. That being the case, CakePHP framework helps the developer to create and maintain the database of the website with a highly-flexible ORM.

It effectively connects the tables in the web application with this user-friendly ORM of CakePHP framework. It helps to search and sort out the data in an efficient manner, which in turn operates and enhance the performance of the web application with ease.

No need for the configuration settings
Most of the developers say that they need to put more efforts for configuration settings, while creating a web application irrespective of the frameworks. However, there is no need for any configuration settings for the CakePHP framework. It greatly reduces the time and efforts of the developers. All features and settings are easily detected in this framework.

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Laravel banner post

Laravel is a free PHP web application framework used in the development of web applications.This open-source framework follows model-view-controller architectural pattern. Its ease of use, modular packaging system and elegance have taken the PHP Community by storm. Many developers have already turned to offering Laravel development services due to its high readability and rich-features. One important aspect of using Laravel is that the developers will not find the problem of spaghetti coding and are offered a trouble-free syntax. Would you like read more information about this topic  please visit the following link:

Laravel and AngularJS, of late, have emerged as the distinguished tools in the world of web development. Web service Application Program interfaces that stick to representational state transfers architectures are known as RESTful APIs. The RESTful APIs can be built with the use of Laravel which is used as RESTful API backend. 

Blog post for Laravel and AngularJS development
Blog post banner for Laravel and AngularJs
Laravel – a beautiful PHP framework

Laravel is a free web application framework following the model-view-controller architectural pattern. These days, almost every laravel development company is using Laravel to create RESTful APIs.
Laravel is easy to start with, has eloquent syntax, easy routing catching, free from spaghetti code and much more to it. It also helps in easily accessing regional databases and has many features like expressive syntax, modular packaging system, utilities that assist in application deployment and so on.

Why use AngularJS

For AngularJS frontend, it would be ideal to use Laravel for creating RESTful APIs. To elaborate on AngularJS, it is an open source web development framework used by a community of AngularJS developers. This framework addresses the issues faced during the development of single-page applications. Any AngularJS development company uses this framework mainly because of its ability to build highly responsive sites and web performance.

Numerous other reasons make AngularJS the most sought after. They include declarative user interface, plain old JavaScripts objects (POJO) data models, filtering of data, DOM manipulations, context aware communications, etc.

Building RESTful APIs using Laravel

For an AngularJS frontend application, RESTful API can be created using Laravel.

The requirements for the creation include Laravel, MYSQL and faker. Setting up Laravel include the creation of database migration, models and seeding of database tables.

Polls table and stats table are the two data tables for data persistence that will be utilized by RESTful API. While the polls is used for storing all polls, the stats table is utilized for storing the related poll options. Stats table is also used to store voting for each option.

Application database schema can be managed without any difficulty using database migrations in Laravel. The structure of database tables can be changed using migrations.

Every database table will have an equivalent "model" that is used to communicate with the table. For working with your database, the ORM included with Laravel offers a beautiful and easy ActiveRecord implementation. Also, eloquent model names are the singular variants of the table names.

Seeding for the database in Laravel assists in feeding database tables with test the date. Seeding classes can be created by extending the "seeder" class offered by Laravel. The seed feature of Laravel can be used to test data.

Restful Routing:

Using get, post, put and delete methods, the routing component in Laravel offers simple RESTful interface. Closure defining the route action and the name of the route are accepted by each of the methods.

Bottomline: Laravel developers can effectively create RESTful APIs for an AngularJS frontend by implementing Laravel setup, database migrations, model creation using eloquent ORM, database seeding and controllers. 

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